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Perform a Backup in Offline Mode

You can perform a backup in offline mode using the following procedure.

To perform a backup of an Oracle database in offline mode

Note: Before opening the Backup Manager, ensure that Oracle Server is running, and be sure to start Arcserve Backup and the agent.

  1. Open the Backup Manager, select the Source tab, and expand the Agent Technology Agent.
  2. Under Agent Technology Agent, click the green square to the left of the host on which Oracle is installed.

    The Login dialog opens.

  3. Enter the host user name and password, and then click OK.

    The host expands.

  4. Click the green square next to the Oracle database you want to back up.

    The Login dialog opens.

  5. Enter the Oracle database dba user name and password, and then click OK.

    The green square becomes entirely green.

    Note: Be sure that the Oracle user name and password you use to connect to Oracle has the permission to connect to Oracle using the as sysdba clause. You must be able to connect with and without this clause.

  6. To set backup options, select the Source tab and then click the Oracle Options tab.

    The Oracle backup Options dialog opens.

    Complete the following fields:

  7. (Optional) Select the Advanced Oracle Options tab and complete any of these fields if you want to modify the performance of your backup:
  8. Select the Destination tab, and then select the media device group and media in which you want to store the back up.

    Important! Do not select a specific media or media device group on the Destination tab if you set the Number of Channels option to a number higher than one.

  9. Click the Method/Schedule tab, and choose one of these Schedule Types:
  10. Click Start.

    The Submit Job dialog opens.

  11. Schedule the job to run now or at another time. Click OK.

    The Job Submission dialog opens.

  12. Click OK.

The job is submitted. You can monitor the job on the Job Status Manager.

Refer to the Backup Limitations section of this chapter for information about restrictions related to monitoring your backups.

Note: A backup can take up multiple sessions on the media even if you choose only one object. For example, if you enter a limit on the Backup Set Size field on the Advanced Oracle Options tab, it will create multiple sessions.