After you create the initial sbt.cfg file, it is placed in the agent home directory. This file includes the following parameters:
- SBT_HOST <host name>--Name of the host where the desired Arcserve Backup server runs.
- SBT_DATA_MOVER--Data mover value moves all the backed up data to a local data mover.
Note: Ensure you run the orasetup script to reconfigure this parameter, instead of changing the value manually.
- SBT_SOURCE_NAME--Sets the agent node name which is registered in the Arcserve Backup server.
Note: If the node name registered in Arcserve Backup server is same as the agent node hostname, do not set this parameter.
- SBT_ORIGINAL_CLIENT_HOST <host name>--When restoring data from one host to another, this parameter specifies the name of the original client host.
- SBT_USERNAME <user name>--Name of a Agent Technology user who can connect to the host where the Agent for Oracle runs.
- SBT_PASSWORD <password>--Password for the Agent Technology user who can connect to the host where the agent runs. This value is encrypted using the cas_encr program.
- SBT_TIMEOUT <number of minutes>--Number of minutes that the Oracle Recovery Manager waits for the agent to be started before timing out.
- SBT_DESTGROUP <device group name>--Name of the Arcserve Backup destination device group to use for a backup operation. When this is not specified, any available device group is used.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPE <tape name>--Name of the Arcserve Backup destination media name to use for a backup operation. When not specified, any available media is used.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOL <media pool name>--Name of the Arcserve Backup destination media pool to use for a backup operation. By default, none is specified and no media pool is used.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_LOGFILE <log file path>--Records activities during the backup job to the specified filename.
- SBT_LOGDETAIL <summary | all>--Specifies whether a summary or all activity of the job should be logged in the file specified by the SBT_LOGFILE parameter.
- SBT_SNMP <true | false>--Indicates whether to use the SNMP alert option by the Arcserve Backup logger. The default value is 'false'.
- SBT_TNG <true | false>--Indicates whether to use the CA-Unicenter alert option. The default value is 'false'.
- SBT_EMAIL <email address>--Sends a copy of the Activity Log to the specified email address. The default is none.
- SBT_PRINTER <printer name>--Sends a copy of the Activity Log to the specified printer. The printer must be set up in the $BAB_HOME/config/caloggerd.cfg configuration file. The default is no printer.
- SBT_EJECT <true | false>--Indicates whether the tape should be ejected at the end of the backup operation. The default is 'false'.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_TAPEMETHOD <append | owritesameblank | owritesameblankany | owritesameanyblank>--Method that determines how the job should handle the media:
- append--Adds the session after the last one on the media. This is the default value.
- owritesameblank--Tries to use the media specified as the SBT_DESTTAPE parameter. If it cannot be used, tries to use a blank media.
- owritesameblankany--Tries to use the media specified as the SBT_DESTTAPE parameter. If it cannot be used, tries to use a blank media. If none is available, uses any tape.
- owritesameanyblank--Tries to use the media specified as the SBT_DESTTAPE parameter. If it cannot be used, tries to use any other tape. If none is available, tries to use a blank media.
Note: This parameter requires the SBT_DESTTAPE or SBT_DESTTAPESUN...SBT_DESTTAPESAT parameters to be set. This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_SPANTAPEMETHOD <owritesameblank | owritesameblankany | owritesameanyblank>--Method that determines how the job should handle the media in case of tape spanning:
- owritesameblank--Tries to use the media specified as the SBT_DESTTAPE parameter. If it cannot be used, tries to use a blank media. This is the default value.
- owritesameblankany--Tries to use the media specified as the SBT_DESTTAPE parameter. If it cannot be used, tries to use a blank media. If none is available, uses any tape.
- owritesameanyblank--Tries to use the media specified as the SBT_DESTTAPE parameter. If it cannot be used, tries to use any other tape. If none is available, tries to use a blank media.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_TAPETIMEOUT <number of minutes>--Number of minutes allowed for mounting a media before the job times out. The default value is 5 minutes.
- SBT_SPANTAPETIMEOUT <number of minutes>--Number of minutes allowed for mounting a media in case of a tape spanning situation before the job times out. The default value is infinite.
- SBT_DAYOFWEEK <true | false>--Indicates if the destination tape or media pool defined as values for SBT_DESTTAPESUN...SBT_DESTTAPESAT and SBT_MEDIAPOOLSUN...SBT_MEDIAPOOLSAT should be used instead of the default values specified for SBT_DESTTAPE and SBT_MEDIAPOOL.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPESUN <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Sunday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPEMON <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Monday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPETUE <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Tuesday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPEWED <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Wednesday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPETHU <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Thursday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPEFRI <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Friday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_DESTTAPESAT <tape name>--Name of the media to use if the job runs on a Saturday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_DESTTAPE value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLSUN <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Sunday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLMON <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Monday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLTUE <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Tuesday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLWED <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Wednesday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLTHU <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Thursday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLFRI <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Friday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_MEDIAPOOLSAT <media pool name>--Name of the media pool to use if the job runs on a Saturday and the SBT_DAYOFWEEK parameter is TRUE. If this is not specified, the SBT_MEDIAPOOL value applies.
Note: This is a backup parameter only.
- SBT_NB_BLOCKS <number of memory blocks>--Number of blocks of shared memory the SBT interface uses to exchange data with the agent. This is a tuning parameter and should normally not be modified. The default value provided is 50 blocks.
- SBT_APPEND_BACKUP_CMDLINE <command line arguments>--Arguments and values to append to the ca_backup command line generated by the SBT interface to submit a backup job. This is a generic way of providing parameters that are not supported by the SBT interface.
- SBT_APPEND_RESTORE_CMDLINE <command line arguments>--Arguments and values to append to the ca_restore command line generated by the SBT interface to submit a restore job. This is a generic way of providing parameters that are not supported by the SBT interface.
Note: You can also define a parameter as an environment variable and as a parameter set by the send command in a RMAN script (for Oracle 9i, and 10g). To set a parameter in a RMAN script, enter the following:
run {
allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';
send "SBT_HOST=myhost";
send "SBT_USERNAME=oracle";
send "SBT_PASSWORD=nobodyknows";
If you set a value through a send command in RMAN, this value overrides any value specified in the sbt.cfg file or the equivalent environment variable. If you set a value as an environment variable, it overrides the equivalent value specified in the sbt.cfg file.