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Job fails when performing a backup of Oracle Objects with Copies


When performing a backup of Oracle objects with copies, such as the Oracle Tablespace or full database, the job fails.


When performing a backup of Oracle objects with copies, such as the Oracle Tablespace or full database, the job fails if the BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES parameter is false. Perform the following steps to reset BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES parameter:

To reset BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES parameter

  1. Open a SQL*Plus prompt.
  2. Enter the following command:
    alter system set backup_tape_io_slaves = true deferred
  3. Restart the database.
  4. Set the Number of Copies option to a value greater than 1.
  5. Submit the backup job.

Note: You may also use the show parameter backup_tape_io_slaves command to check the value of the parameter.