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Restore a Database Backed Up Offline

To restore a database that was backed up when it was offline, you must shut down the Oracle server and restore the Oracle files using Arcserve Backup without the agent.

To restore a database that was backed up when it was offline

  1. In the Restore Manager window, expand the server and volumes containing the Oracle database backups.

    The directories containing the Oracle database backups opens.

  2. Expand the directories and select all of the individual backups that make up the Oracle database, or select the directory under which the backups exist.
  3. Initiate the restore.

    The database that was backed up when it was offline is restored.

Note: Oracle database files can be located anywhere (on any hard disk or in any directory). If you are performing a full restore of your Oracle server, you must select all of the Oracle database files located on the different drives.