Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Agents › Agent for Sybase › Introducing the Agent for Sybase › Agent Parameters
Agent Parameters
You can customize the agent by modifying parameters in the Windows Registry using the Windows Regedit32 or Regedit utility.
You can find the agent parameters listed in the registry under the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCserve Backup\DSAgent\CurrentVersion\agent\dbasyb@SYBASE_INSTANCE_NAME
The agent has the following modifiable registry parameters:
- Debug--Enables debug trace files for the agent. Change the default value only if instructed to by a Arcserve technical support engineer.
Default: 0 (FALSE)
- StripeNum--Specifies the stripe number used during backup with a value from 1 to 16. The value depends on your hardware configuration, such as the number of CPUs, total memory, and the number of tape drives.
Default: 4
- TblStripeNum--Indicates a reserved parameter.
- Dll--Specifies the location of the agent executable DLL file.
- Connect_wait_time--Specifies the maximum time the agent waits for a valid connection with Sybase Adaptive Server.
Default: 10 seconds
- Max_pipe_wait_time--Specifies the maximum time the agent waits for a valid Named Pipe for backup and restore.
Default: 400
- RestoreDir--Sets the path to which database devices are restored. Set this parameter to restore dropped database devices to a location other than the Sybase Adaptive Server home directory.
Default: Database
You must stop and then start the Backup Agent RPC Server service for registry parameter changes to take effect.
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