By editing util_par_file, you define the environment variables for the backup option integration module. To set the values for the parameters in this file, run hanasetup or pfilesetup.
When the Enterprise Option for SAP HANA performs a SAP HANA backup job, the backup option integration module creates a backup job and sends to the Arcserve Backup server for execution. The job is submitted using the backup parameters that you set in util_par_file. In util_par_file you can perform the following options:
You must set the following parameters in util_par_file:
HOST=<Arcserve Backup Server Name > USERNAME=<name of a user who has access to the SAP HANA files on the client node> PASSWORD= <password of that user>
You can set the following optional parameters to customize options for tapes, group names, and media pools:
Options: ORIGINALHOST=< Original Hostname of the Backup when restoring one hosts data to another host >.
Log Options: SNMP=< True/False > TNG=< True/False > EMAIL=< > PRINTER=< lp >
Destination Options: EJECT=< True/False > DESTTAPE=< Tape Name > DESTGROUP=< Device Group Name > MEDIAPOOL= < Media Pool Name > TAPEMETHOD=< Append / Owritesameblank / Owritesameblankany > SPANTAPEMETHOD=< Owritesameblank / Owritesameblankany > TAPETIMEOUT=< minutes > SPANTAPETIMEOUT=< minutes >
Description of Additional Options:
Note: Configure the SNMP, TNG, EMAIL, and PRINTER options using the Arcserve Backup Alert Manager before you configure the parameters in the util_par_file configuration file. For more information, see the Administration Guide.
Note: Arcserve Backup ignores this option when you specify the MEDIAPOOL option.
Note: Arcserve Backup ignores this option when you specify the MEDIAPOOL option.
You can set the following schedule options, that enable you to use a different tape, media pool, or both, following a seven-day cycle:
DAYOFWEEK =< True / False >
Without Multistreaming
DESTTAPESUN=< Tape Name to use on Sunday > DESTTAPEMON=< Tape Name to use on Monday > DESTTAPETUE=< Tape Name to use on Tuesday > DESTTAPEWED=< Tape Name to use on Wednesday > DESTTAPETHU=< Tape Name to use on Thursday > DESTTAPEFRI=< Tape Name to use on Friday > DESTTAPESAT=< Tape Name to use on Saturday >
If you do not specify a tape for the current day when you set the schedule options, the tape specified in the DESTTAPE is used as the default.
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