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Edit util_par_file to Define Environment Variables

By editing util_par_file, you define the environment variables for the backup option integration module. To set the values for the parameters in this file, run sapsetup or pfilesetup.

When the option performs a SAP R/3 backup job, the backup option integration module creates a backup job and sends it to the Arcserve Backup server or the data mover server for execution. The job is submitted using the backup parameters that you set in util_par_file. In util_par_file you can:

The complete path of the parameter file must be specified for the util_par_file entry in the init<SID>.sap configuration file. The util_par_file parameters are identical to the ca_backup parameters.

For more information about parameters, see the Command Line Reference Guide.

Required Options

You must set the following parameters in util_par_file:

HOST=         < CA_host >
USERNAME=     <name of a user who has access to the SAP/Oracle files on the client node>
PASSWORD=     <password of that user>
Additional Options

You can set the following optional parameters to customize options for tapes, group names, and media pools:

DATA_MOVER_HOST=< local data mover host name >.
ORIGINALHOST=< Original Hostname of the Backup when restoring one hosts data to another host >.
Log Options:
SNMP=		< True/False >
TNG=		< True/False >
EMAIL=		< >
PRINTER=	< lp >
Destination Options:
EJECT=		< True/False >
DESTTAPE=	< Tape Name >
DESTGROUP=	< Device Group Name >
MEDIAPOOL=	< Media Pool Name >
TAPEMETHOD=	< Append / Owritesameblank / Owritesameblankany >
SPANTAPEMETHOD=< Owritesameblank / Owritesameblankany >
TAPETIMEOUT=	< minutes >

Description of Additional Options:

Note: You should configure the SNMP, TNG, EMAIL, and PRINTER options using the Arcserve Backup Alert Manager before you configure the parameters in the util_par_file configuration file. For more information, see the Administration Guide.

Multistreaming Options

To use the multistreaming feature, set the following parameters:

MULTISTREAM=	< True / False >
MAXSTREAMS=	< Maximum number of streams to use >
Schedule Options

You can set the following schedule options, which enable you to use a different tape, media pool, or both, following a seven-day cycle:

DAYOFWEEK =	< True / False >
Without Multi-Streaming
DESTTAPESUN=	< Tape Name to use on Sunday >
DESTTAPEMON=	< Tape Name to use on Monday >
DESTTAPETUE=	< Tape Name to use on Tuesday >
DESTTAPEWED=	< Tape Name to use on Wednesday >
DESTTAPETHU=	< Tape Name to use on Thursday >
DESTTAPEFRI=	< Tape Name to use on Friday >
DESTTAPESAT=	< Tape Name to use on Saturday >
With Multi-Streaming

MEDIAPOOLSUN=< Media Pool Name to use on Sunday >
MEDIAPOOLMON=< Media Pool Name to use on Monday >
MEDIAPOOLTUE=< Media Pool Name to use on Tuesday >
MEDIAPOOLWED=< Media Pool Name to use on Wednesday >
MEDIAPOOLTHU=< Media Pool Name to use on Thursday >
MEDIAPOOLFRI=< Media Pool Name to use on Friday >
MEDIAPOOLSAT=< Media Pool Name to use on Saturday >

If you do not specify a tape for the current day when you set the schedule options, the tape specified in the DESTTAPE is used as the default.

Be aware of the following behaviors: