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Unable to Recover Hyper-V VMs to an Alternate Location

Valid on Windows Server 2008 systems.


You are attempting to recover a Hyper-V VM to an alternate location using the Recover Virtual Machine restore method. The Recover Virtual Machine view (in the Restore Manager) does not display information about the backup data (for example, the host name, the backup version, and the path of the backup). This problem presents itself only under the following conditions:


Arcserve Backup lets you recover Hyper-V VMs to an alternate location. You can then specify the missing information (the host name, backup version, path, and so on) in the Restore Manager window. However, Windows Server 2008 does not support recovering Hyper-V VMs to an alternate location. As a result, the job will fail.

Note: Windows Server 2008 R2 supports recovering Hyper-V VMs to an alternate location.

To remedy this problem, do the following:

  1. Use the Restore by Session restore method and recover the Hyper-V VM to any location on any Hyper-V server in your Arcserve Backup VM environment.
  2. Use the Hyper-V Manager to create the VMs using the recovered VHD or VHDX files.