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Add CA ARCserve D2D Licensing

CA ARCserve D2D requires you to license your product to receive authorized and uninterrupted access to the related components. In addition, if you want to deploy CA ARCserve D2D to remote locations, license these remote sites to take advantage of the benefits CA ARCserve D2D provides.

CA ARCserve D2D will function for a period of 30 days after you begin using it. Then, apply an appropriate license key to continue using it.

To add CA ARCserve D2D licensing, access the CA ARCserve D2D Monitor Advanced options.

Tray Monitor Licensing

Note: For Windows Core Operating Systems (Windows Server 2008/R2 Core edition), run the "CALicnse.exe" file and provide the proper license key information. The CALicnse.exe file is located in the following directory: C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\CA_LIC

Follow these steps:

Note: Perform this operation locally on the computers running CA ARCserve D2D software.

  1. Access the CA ARCserve D2D Monitor, click the Advanced option, and select Licensing.

    The License Verification Entry dialog opens, displaying all valid CA licensed products.

    Note: If no CA products were previously licensed, the field of this dialog is empty.

    cad2d--License Verification Dialog-W

  2. Enter the 25-digit license key and then click Add.

    The component is licensed.

  3. Select the next component to license and repeat Step 2.
  4. Click OK to accept the key after all components are defined as a licensed product.

    All components you specified are licensed.

    The license key information is stored in the ca.olf file on each of the computers that are running your CA software.