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Connect-XO - Connect PowerShell to a Control Service

In order to work with Arcserve RHA scenarios using PowerShell, the first thing you need to do is connect to the Control Service that acts as the point-of-control of the Arcserve RHA operation. The Connect-XO command enables you to connect PowerShell to a specific Control Service.

Note: Once you finished working with Arcserve RHA PowerShell, do not forget to disconnect from the Control Service using the Disconnect-XO command. Closing PowerShell window will also cause PowerShell to disconnect from the Control Service.

Connect-XO [-Host] <String> [-Credentials] <PSCredential> [[-Protocol] [<String>]] [[-Port] [<String>]]

The IP address or hostname of the machine where the Control service is running.


The Domain\User Name for the Control Service. These credentials must belong to a user who has Admin rights on the Control Service. After you enter the credentials, a Windows PowerShell Credential Request dialog appears, prompting you to enter your password.

Note: To avoid the need to manually enter your credentials into the PSCredentials dialog, refer to Connect PowerShell to a Control Service using a Script.


The protocol that is used for connecting to the Control Service. Enter one of the following: http or https.

Port (optional)

The TCP/IP port that is used for connecting to the Control Service. For http the default value is 8088; For https the default value is 443.

Example: Connect to a Control Service

connect-xo qa88-w3k3\administrator https


A Windows PowerShell Credential Request dialog appears, prompting you to enter your password. Then, the following appears:

Connecting... connected!