In Windows PowerShell, there are several commands that enable you to change the output view:
To change the format of the output from any command, use the pipeline operator (|) to send the output of the command to a Format command.
For example, the following command sends the output of a Get-Scenario command to the Format-Table command. As a result, the data is formatted as a table:
PS>get-scenario |Format-table
ID Group Name Type Master State Sync AR
-- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----- ---- --
1123633468 Scenarios File Server 1 FileServer Running File False
1123633497 Scenarios Exchange Server Exchange Running Block True
1123633852 Scenarios File Server 3 FileServer Unknown File False
3848963840 Scenarios File Server FileServer Stopped File False
3848982942 Scenarios File System 1 FileServer QA99-W2K3-EX8 Running File False
For more details, use the following commands to read the help for the Format commands:
get-help format-list
get-help format-table
get-help format-wide
get-help format-custom
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