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Prepare-Reboot - Prepare a Host for Maintenance

The Prepare-Reboot command enables you to perform maintenance procedures, such as rebooting a host or moving groups between Microsoft Cluster nodes, without performing re-synchronization once these processes are completed.

The hosts that can be prepared for maintenance need to participate in running scenarios. The preparation is done on one host at a time, but this host can participate in multiple scenarios. In these scenarios, the host can function as both the Master and the Replica. When a host participates in a scenario that is not running, the preparation that relates to this scenario does not occur.

After you receive the message informing you that the host is preparing for reboot, you can reboot your host or switch groups between cluster nodes. Once you completed your maintenance procedures, the replication process automatically resumes, without performing re-synchronization.

Note: If after preparing the host for maintenance, you decided not to reboot it and continue running its scenarios, you need to stop the scenarios and re-run them.

Prepare-Reboot [-Name] <String>

The host name.

Example: Prepare a Replica host for reboot

Prepare-Reboot QA95-W2K3-EX2


Host QA95-W2K3-EX2 Preparing for reboot