Using Arcserve RHA PowerShell Commands › Controlling Commands › Test-Integrity - Perform Integrity Test for Assured Recovery
Test-Integrity - Perform Integrity Test for Assured Recovery
The Test-Integrity command enables you to activate an automatic integrity test on a Replica host for assured recovery.
- To activate the Test Integrity command, it is necessary to use a scenario with the Integrity Testing for Assured Recovery option turned to On.
- The Assured Recovery option supports both Replication and HA solutions. However, it is best suited for HA since the Replica server contains the actual database servers on which the test is performed, and not only data. If you are using AR test as a part of Replication scenario, you must verify that the root directories path is the same on the Master and the Replica. In addition, the Replica should have the database application installed, or share files if you test a File Server, and they need to be configured on the Master and the Replica in exactly the same way. Otherwise, the AR test will not produce meaningful results.
- The scenario needs to run before you start the test.
- Syntax
Test-Integrity [-Name] <String> [-Host] <String> [-Mode] <String> -WaitJournal [<Boolean>]
- Parameters
- Name
The name of the scenario.
- Host
The IP address or hostname of the Replica host you want to test.
- Mode
Specifies whether to run the test integrity mode in the manual or auto mode. Type m, M, manual, or Manual to choose the manual mode. The default is the auto mode.
- WaitJournal
Start testing when all journals are applied for P2V scenario.
0: Do not wait for journals
1: Wait for journals
Example: Perform Integrity Test for Assured Recovery
Test-Integrity "Exchange Server 1"
- Outcome
Integrity testing for assured recovery started on
Integrity testing for assured recovery completed on
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