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Add-Dir - Add Root Directories to the Master and Replica Hosts

The Add-dir command enables you to add root directories to the Master and Replica hosts. You can define the same root directory path for both the Master and Replica, or you can enter two different paths. If you do not enter a different path for the Replica, by default it is the same as the Master path.

Add-Dir [-Name] <String> [-MasterPath] <String> [[-ReplicaPath] [<String>]]

The scenario name.


The full path of the root directories on the Master.

For a Full System scenario, enter both the driver letter and mount point. When you enter the driver letter, you can ignore ":", "/" or "\".

For example, "e", "e:", "e:\", "e:/", "e:\\\\\", "e:////" are the same.

Note: Be aware of the following points:

  • When you enter a mount point, use "\" or "/" as the separator.
  • When there is no root directory in the scenario, the default volume is also added, such as the boot volume and system volume.
  • When you enter all, all volumes are added.
ReplicaPath (Optional)

The full path of the root directories on the Replica. If no value is entered, the same path is used for the Master and Replica.

Note: For a Full System scenario, ignore this parameter.

Example: Add the same root directory to the Master and the Replica.

add-dir "File Server 1" C:/Tools
Root Directory: C:/Tools added successfully.