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Remove-Dir - Remove Root Directories from the Master and Replica

The Remove-Dir command enables you to remove root directories from the Master and Replica hosts.

Note: You cannot remove a root directory only from the Replica using this command. Once you remove the Master root directories, the corresponding Replica root directories are removed as well.

Remove-Dir [-Name] <String> [-MasterPath] <String> 

The name of the scenario.


The root directory path on the Master.

For a P2V scenario, enter both the driver letter and mount point. When you enter the driver letter, you can ignore ":", "/" or "\".

For example, "e", "e:", "e:\", "e:/", "e:\\\\\", "e:////" are the same.

Note: Be aware of the following points:

  • When you enter a mount point, use "\" or "/" as the separator.
  • Sometimes, the system volume does not have a driver letter or a mount point and you cannot add or remove it. This drive letter or mount point is added automatically. Do not try to remove such a volume.

Example: Remove a root directory from the Master and Replica

remove-dir "File Server 1" C:/Tools


Root Directory: C:/Tools removed