The Set-RuntimeChangeableScenarioProperty command enables you to update the value of the specified property in the named scenario while it is running.
Set-RuntimeChangeableScenarioProperty [Name] [Index] [Value] [Host]
Name - The name of the running scenario whose properties you wish to change.
Index - The index or name of the property you want to change. To determine correct names, use the Get-AllRuntimeChangeableScenarioProperties or the Get-RuntimeChangeableScenarioProperties commands. The index value is generated internally; for two scenarios even of the same type, the same property can have a different index. Ensure you obtain the correct indexes or names.
Value - The new setting for the specified property.
Host - (Optional) The host needs to be specified only for Master or Replica property changes. For generic or HA properties, this value is optional.
The following command updates the argument of the suspend script property based on its name:
Set-RuntimeChangeableScenarioProperty FileServer SpecificReplicaProps.Suspend.SuspendScript 456 -Host
The result is a table showing the Property, its Original Value and the New Value.
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