The Edit-NetworkMapping command lets you map the network adapters between the master and replica of a Full System scenario.
Edit-NetworkMapping [-Name] <string> [-Host] <string> [-SourceAdapter] <string> [-TargetAdapter] <string> [[IP] <string[]>] [[DNS] <string[]>] [[gateway] <string[]>] [[PrimaryWins] <string>] [[SecondaryWins] <string>] [[-Type] <string>]
The name of the scenario. Only the HA and P2V scenarios are supported.
The host name or the IP address.
The name of the source adapter.
The name of the target adapter. User Null to specify an empty value.
The array of the IP address. Use a ":" as a separator. For example, "". is a subnet mask.
The array of the DNS address.
The array of the gateway address.
Primary WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) address.
Secondary WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) address.
The AR or SW network. The default is the SW network. Type "ar" to set the AR network.
Edit-NetworkMapping -Name FULL -Host -SourceAdapter "Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver" -TargetAdapter "Arcserve RHA internal for AR" -Type AR -IP
Successfully edited the network mapping.
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