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Configure Master or Replica Server Properties

To configure Master or Replica properties, the scenario must be stopped.

To set Master or Replica properties

  1. On the Scenario pane, select the Master or Replica whose properties you want to configure.

    On the Framework pane on the right, the Master/Replica Properties list opens.

    Note: A running scenario has a gray background, and scenarios that are not running have a white background.

  2. If the scenario is running, click the Stop button on the toolbar. The scenario is stopped.
  3. On the Master/Replica Properties list, open the desired group, select the required property, and select or enter the appropriate values. Some values can be manually entered in an edit box field, while other values can be selected from a combo box or IP control by clicking the default value.
  4. Click the Save button on the toolbar to save and apply your changes.