At times, it may be necessary to suspend updates on a Replica machine in order to perform system maintenance or some other form of processing that does not modify the replicated data there. Usually, it is not desirable to stop replication since this requires a resynchronization afterward. The replication suspension feature of Arcserve RHA solves this problem.
During the suspension period, all changes are spooled on the Master or on the Replica located upstream of the suspended Replica. In other words, changes continue to be recorded for update on the suspended Replica, but are not actually transferred until replication is resumed. After replication is resumed, the accumulated changes are transferred and applied without any need to perform a full resynchronization of the data.
Replication may be suspended either manually or on a scheduled basis.
Important! It is imperative that during suspension, you do nothing on the Replica that causes the data to change in any way, including starting an application such as Exchange Server, SQL Server, or Oracle. If you need to start programs that will change data on the Replica, you may use the Assured Recovery option.
Be aware of the following:
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