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Switch Computer Name Redirection

If you are redirecting File Shares, in which clients connect via the Master server name, enable Switch Computer Name. For example, if the Master server name is fs01 and clients connect to \\fs01\sharename or \\\sharename, using the Switch Computer Name method redirects clients to the failover server. To use Switch Computer Name Redirection in the Active Directory environment, both Master and Replica must belong to the same domain.

It is also recommended to enable one other method. The most common method is to use both DNS Redirection and Switch Computer Name. Arcserve RHA makes the required computer name switch by assigning a temporary name to the Master server and taking over its computer name for use with the Replica server.

Arcserve RHA updates records directly and does not generally require a reboot. If, however, you encounter any problems after switchover, consider setting the reboot option to On and testing again.

Note: For Windows Server 2008 systems, you must reboot the computer after a switchover occurs when the switch computer name method is used. To do so, enable the property, Reboot after switchover. However, for Windows 2008 Cluster systems, reboot will not occur even if this property is enabled. You must reboot manually and ensure the SQL Server service is running.