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View a Report

Arcserve RHA can generate reports on the replication and synchronization processes. These reports can be stored on your desired location, opened for view from the Report Center, sent by email to a specified address, or they can trigger script execution.

The default storage directory of the generated reports is: [ProgramFilesFolder]\CA\ArcserveRHA\Manager\reports

To view reports

Note: Though an Exchange report is shown for illustrative purposes, the steps and screens are similar regardless of the type of scenario.

  1. To view reports, locate the Tools menu, click Reports, and then select Show Scenario Reports.

    The Report Center opens in a new window.

    Report Center showing Exchange scenario

    The Report Center consists of two tables:

  2. To view a specific report, select from the Available Reports per Scenario table the scenario that this report represents. Then, from the Reports table below, click the report you want to open.

    Note: Depending on your settings, for Synchronization and Replication reports a Detailed report can be generated in addition to the Summary report. Both reports represent the same process, but the Detailed report also provides a list of the files that participated in the process.

    The report you selected appears in a new window.

    RHA Report Sync Page