Create an SLA Profile

You need to create an SLA profile to generate RTO reports.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the left pane of the resources tab, click Infrastructure>SLAProfile.
  2. Create SLA profile Step 1
  3. Click Create an SLA Profile from the center pane.
  4. Add Service level Agreement (SLA) Profile opens.
  5. Create SLA profile Step 2
  6. From the Add Service level Agreement (SLA) Profile pane, perform the following steps:
    1. Enter an SLA Profile Name
    2. Enter type of time and duration of time for desired options to Set RTO for Restore Type.
    3. Note: For all the options, you can select time in days, hours, and minutes.
    4. From the Available Nodes section, select the check boxes of nodes for which you want to generate reports, and move to Selected Nodes section.
    5. Select one or more nodes under Selected Nodes, and click OK.
  7. The SLA Profile is created and added under SLA Profile Name.
  8. Create SLA profile Step 3
  9. To modify or delete the existing SLA profile, select the check box of desire profile and click Actions.