Installing/Uninstalling Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) › How to Install Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) › Installation Considerations
Installation Considerations
Consider the following points before you begin the installation:
- When you perform a Preboot Execution Environment (PXE)-based BMR, the Arcserve Unified Data Protection Agent for Linux server and the production source nodes have to be in the same subnet. If they are not in the same subnet, ensure that there is a gateway to forward the PXE broadcast packets across subnets.
- If the backup destination is an NFS server, verify that the NFS server supports lock. Also, verify that the root user has write access on the Linux nodes.
- To use an NFS server as the backup destination, install the NFS client package on the Linux nodes.
- Perl and sshd (SSH Daemon) are installed on the Linux server and the Linux nodes that you want to back up.
- The unattended or silent installation is not supported.
- Review the Compatibility Matrix which provides the supported operating systems, databases, and browsers.
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