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Change the SSH Port Number of the Backup Server

Backup Server uses the default secure shell (SSH) port 22 to connect to the nodes. If you want to change the default port to a different port, you can configure the server.env file to specify the new port.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Backup Server as a root user.
  2. Open the server.env file.

    Note: If the file is not present, create the server.env file.

  3. Add the following line in the server.env file and save the file:
    export D2D_SSH_PORT=new_port_number

    The new_port_number must be a numeric value.

  4. Restart the Backup Server.

    After you configure the server.env file, all jobs, except the BMR job, use the new port number to connect to the target node. The BMR job uses the default port.

The SSH port number of the Backup Server is successfully changed.