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(Optional) Create a Global Configuration File

The global configuration file (vm.cfg) has parameters and values related to storage locations where the VM virtual disks are created. The values for storage locations are auto-detected during the restore process. The vm.cfg file overrides the values related to storage locations and other parameters. If you want to specify your own storage location instead of the auto-detected value, you can use the vm.cfg file.

The global configuration file is at the following location:


The following parameters can be configured in the vm.cfg file:

General Parameters


Allows you to specify a custom port to communicate with the hypervisor server.

OVM Specific Parameters


Lets you manually set the repository to upload the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) Live CD.


Lets you manually specify the repository server to upload the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) Live CD.


Lets you use specific OVM repository to create virtual disks.

Note: The d2drestorevm utility uses the ID for the OVM specific parameters.

RHEV Specific Parameters


Lets you use specific RHEV storage domain to create virtual disks. The d2drestorevm utility uses the lexical file name for the RHEV specific parameters.

Xen Specific Parameters


Lets you use specific Xen storage repository to create virtual disks. The d2drestorevm utility uses the lexical file name for the Xen specific parameters.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Backup Server.
  2. Create the global configuration file and name it as vm.cfg.
  3. Open the global configuration file and update the parameters in the file.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Place the file at the configfiles folder:

The global configuration file is successfully created.