Previous Topic: Verify the Volume Details in the SessionNext Topic: Cancel the Volume Restore Job

Submit the Volume Restore Job

Submit the volume restore job to start restoring your volume on the target node.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the target node.
  2. Submit the restore job using the following command:
    d2drestorevol --command=restore  --storage-path=<local_path> --node=<node_name> --rp=<recovery_point> --source-volume=<source_volume> --target-volume=<target_volume> [--encryption-password=<encryption_password>] [--mount-target=<mount_point> [--quick-recovery]]

    Specifies that the volume restore job is submitted.


    Specifies the path we determined in the Prerequisites topic. For more information, see Review the Prerequisites and Considerations.


    Specifies the source node that was backed up.


    Specifies the recovery point or recovery session that you want to restore. Typically, a recovery point is in the following format: S00000000X, where X is a numeric value.


    Specifies the session password. This option is required if the session is encrypted. If the session is encrypted but this option is not present, you will be prompted to enter the password from the terminal.


    Specifies the source volume. You can get the source volume using the command=info parameter as described in the Verify the Volume Details in the Session topic, or the source volume can be the it can be the mount point from the source system.


    Specifies the device file path of the target node.

    Example: /dev/sda2


    Specifies the mount point where the restored volume should be mounted.

    Example: /mnt/volrestore


    When used along with ‘--mount-target’, the target volume will be mounted as soon as possible. You can use the data on the target volume while the data is getting restored.

    After the restore job is over, the restore process quits automatically and you can continue using the data without any interruption.

    Note: When a volume restore job, and a backup job run at the same time, then:

    • If --quick-recovery is used, then the job (volume restore or backup) that starts later does not run.
    • If --quick-recovery is not used, then the backup job will back up only those volumes that are not being restored.

    The restore job is submitted and a screen is opened that displays the progress. If you want to submit other jobs, you can either wait for the current job to complete or press Q to exit the screen and then submit a new job.

  3. (Optional) Use the following command to review the progress of the volume restore job:
    d2drestorevol --command=monitor

    The progress details, such as volume name, elapsed time, progress, speed, status, and time remaining, are displayed on a screen.

    The screen exits when the job completes. You can also press Q to manually exit the screen. Manually exiting the screen does not interrupt the running restore job.

The volume restore job is submitted.