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Verify the d2drestorevol Utility is Installed

The d2drestorevol utility restores volume to the target node. The target node can be a Backup Server or any other Linux node (client). If the restorevol utility is not installed on the target node, you must manually install the utility.

Restore on a Backup Server

If the target node is a Backup Server, the utility is already installed with the installation package. Verify if the utility is present at the bin folder.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Backup Server.
  2. Verify that the utility is located at the following location:

    The utility is installed and verified.

Restore on a client

A client node will not have the utility installed in it. You have to manually install the utility on the client.

Important! The utility must be downloaded from the Backup Server as described in the following steps. If you manually copy the utility from a Backup Server to a client , the utility may not work properly.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the client.
  2. Locate the d2drestorevol utility download path from the command line.
  3. Download the script using a command line tool, such as wget.
    wget -O d2drestorevol

    Note: If the server uses the https protocol, you may have to include the ‘--no-check-certificate’ parameter.

    wget -O d2drestorevol --no-check-certificate
  4. Provide the execution permission to the utility using the following command:
    chmod +x d2drestorevol

    The permission is provided.

The d2drestorevol is installed and verified.