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Configure the System Settings When the Host Name or IP Address is Changed

If you change the host name or the IP address of the Backup Server or the client node (backup node), you have to configure the system settings. You configure the system settings to help ensure the following items:

When the Host Name of the Central Backup Server is Changed

When you change the host name of the central Backup Server, you must configure the server so that you can use Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) without any problem.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the central Backup Server as a root user.
  2. To update the host name and the license information, enter the following commands:
    source /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/setenv
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/ARCserveLinuxD2D.db "update D2DServer set Name=’New_Hostname’ where IsLocal=1"
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/License.db "update LicensedMachine set ServerName =’New_Hostname’ where ServerName =’Old_Hostname’"
  3. Rename the keystore file:
    mv /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore.old
  4. Create a keystore file using the following keytool Java command.
    keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg DSA -keypass <YOUR_VALUE> -storepass <YOUR_VALUE> -keystore /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore -validity 3600 -dname "CN=<New Hostname>"

    Note: Update the YOUR_VALUE field according to your requirement. Typically, the value is your password.


    keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg DSA -keypass LinuxD2D -storepass LinuxD2D -keystore /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore -validity 3600 -dname "CN=New Hostname"
  5. Open the server.xml TOMCAT configuration file and change the keystoreFile value and the keystorePass value according to the keystore file that you just created:
    <Connector port="8014" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/server.keystore" keystorePass="YOUR_VALUE"/>


    <Connector port="8014" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/server.keystore" keystorePass="LinuxD2D"/>
  6. Restart the central Backup Server.
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/d2dserver restart

The central Backup Server is configured.

When the Host Name or IP Address of the Member Server is Changed

When you change the host name or the IP address of the member Backup Server, configure the member server to manage it from the central server. If you do not configure the member server, then you will have an error when you try to manage it from the central server. A member server is a server that you have added to the central Backup Server web interface.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the member Backup Server as a root user:
  2. To change the host name, enter the following commands:
    source /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/setenv
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/ARCserveLinuxD2D.db "update D2DServer set Name=’New_Hostname’ where IsLocal=1"
  3. Rename the keystore file:
    mv /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore.old
  4. Create a keystore file using the following keytool Java command.
    keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg DSA -keypass <YOUR_VALUE> -storepass <YOUR_VALUE> -keystore /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore -validity 3600 -dname "CN=<New Hostname>"

    Note: Update the YOUR_VALUE field according to your requirement. Typically, the value is your password.


    keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg DSA -keypass LinuxD2D -storepass LinuxD2D -keystore /opt/CA/d2dserver/TOMCAT/conf/server.keystore -validity 3600 -dname "CN=New Hostname"
  5. Open the server.xml TOMCAT configuration file and change the keystoreFile value and the keystorePass value according to the keystore file.
    <Connector port="8014" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/server.keystore" keystorePass="YOUR_VALUE"/>


    <Connector port="8014" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/server.keystore" keystorePass="LinuxD2D"/>
  6. Restart the member Backup Server.
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/d2dserver restart
  7. Log into the central Arcserve Unified Data Protection Agent for Linux web interface.
  8. From the Backup Servers pane, select the old host name server.
  9. From the Backup Server menu, click Delete.
  10. In the Delete dialog, click OK.

    The old host name server is deleted.

  11. From the Backup Server menu, click Add.

    The Add Server dialog opens.

  12. Enter the new host name details in the dialog and click OK.

    The Add Server dialog closes and the member server with the new host name is added to the UI.

  13. Log into the central Backup Server that manages the member Backup Server.
  14. To update the license information, enter the following commands:
    source /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/setenv
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/License.db "update LicensedMachine set ServerName =’New_Hostname’ where ServerName =’Old_Hostname’"

The member Backup Server is configured.

When the Host Name or the IP Address of the Client Node is Changed

If you change the host name or the IP address of a node, you can configure the host name or the IP address in the system settings so that you can back up that node without any error.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the backup destination.
  2. Locate the folder named "Old_Hostname" in the backup destination of this node and rename it to "New_Hostname".

    For example, consider the old host name for node1 is First_Node. The backup destination for node1 is //Backup_Destination/LinuxBackup. After the first successful backup, a folder named First_Node is created in //Backup_Destination/LinuxBackup. Now, you have modified the old host name to Second_Node. Locate the First_Node folder in //Backup_Destination/LinuxBackup and rename the folder to Second_Node.

  3. Log into the Backup server as a root user.
  4. To update the host name, enter the following commands:
    source /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/setenv
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/d2drp --storagepath=Backup Destination --node=New_Hostname
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/ARCserveLinuxD2D.db "update JobQueue set TargetName=’New_Hostname’ where JobType in (1,3,4,5) and TargetName=’Old_Hostname’"
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/ARCserveLinuxD2D.db "update TargetMachine set Name=’New_Hostname’ where Name=’Old_Hostname’"

    Note: If you use NFS share or CIFS share as the backup destination, you should mount it to Local share.

    Example: If your mount point is /mnt/backup_destination.

    /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/d2drp --storagepath=<mount point> --node=New_Hostname

    Note: If you use Local share, then the command is:

    /opt/CA/d2dserver/bin/d2drp --storagepath=<local path> --node=New_Hostname
  5. Log into the central Backup Server as a root user.
  6. To update the license information, enter the following command:
    /opt/CA/d2dserver/sbin/sqlite3 /opt/CA/d2dserver/data/License.db "update LicensedMachine set MachineName =’New_Hostname’ where MachineName =’Old_Hostname’"

The host name is configured to perform a backup without any error.