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Display the Default User in the Login Dialog

You can manage your users and change the name that is displayed in the login dialog of Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux). The default user that is displayed in the login dialog is root. If you do not have root users accessing the product, you can change the default name to any non-root user name. You achieve this by modifying the server.cfg that is located in the Backup Server.

Note: To modify the server.cfg file, connect to the Backup Server as a root user using the SSH connection.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Backup Server as a root user.
  2. Open the server.cfg file from the following location:

    Note: If the server.cfg file is not present, create the file.

  3. Add the following code to the server.cfg file: show_default_user_when_login=false|true
  4. Log into the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) web interface.

The default user is displayed in the login dialog of Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux)