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Restore the Database Instantly

When you recover the database instantly, the database is available for immediate use. However, the recovery process runs in the backend and all the files are available only after the database is recovered completely.

Note: For more information on volume restore, see How to restore Volumes on a Target Node.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target machine as a root user.
  2. Open a command prompt as a root user.
  3. Verify the target volume /dev/sdb1 is not mounted.
    # df | grep ‘target_volume’

    Example: # df | grep '/dev/sdb1'

  4. Mount the remote NFS share to the local path.
    #mount <nfs_session_path>:/nfs  <session_location_on_local>

    Example: #mount /CRE_ROOT

  5. Enter the following command to start the restore job:
    #. /d2drestorevol --command=restore --storage-path=<session_location_on_local> --node=<oracle_server> --rp=last --source-volume=<mount_point_for_oracle_data_volume> --target-volume=<restore_target_volume_name> --mount-target=<mount_point_for_oracle_data_volume> --quick-recovery

    Example: #. /d2drestorevol --command=restore --storage-path=/CRE_ROOT --node=rh63-v2 --rp=last --source-volume=/opt/oracle --target-volume=/dev/sdb1 --mount-target=/opt/oracle --quick-recovery

    You can start the Oracle database immediately after the restore job starts. You do not have to wait for the completion of the database recovery.

  6. Open another command prompt and log in with the Oracle user name and password.
    $sqlplus / as sysdba

    The Oracle database opens and you can perform the regular database operations such as query, insert, delete, update data, and so on.

The Oracle database is instantly recovered.