Previous Topic: Review the BMR Prerequisites and ConsiderationsNext Topic: Perform BMR in Express Mode

Define BMR Options

Prior to initiating the BMR process, you must specify some preliminary BMR options.

Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the saved Boot Kit image media and boot the computer.

    The BIOS Setup Utility screen is displayed.

  2. From the BIOS Setup Utility screen, select the CD-ROM Drive option or the USB option to launch the boot process. Select an architecture (x86/x64) and press Enter to continue.
  3. The Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) language select screen is displayed. Select a language and click Next to continue.

    CA ARCserve D2D Language Select Screen

    The Bare Metal Recovery process is initiated and the initial BMR wizard screen is displayed.

    Bare Metal Recovery - Specify a Type of Recovery dialog.

    The BMR wizard screen allows you to select the type of BMR you want to perform:

  4. Select Restore from an Arcserve Unified Data Protection backup and click Next.

    The Select a Recovery Point wizard screen is displayed.

    Bare Metal Recovery - Specify a Recovery Point dialog.

  5. From the Select a Recovery Point wizard screen, click Browse and select either Browse from network/local path or select Browse from Recovery Point Server.
    1. If you select Browse from network/local path, select the machine (or volume) which contains recovery points for your backup image.

      Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) lets you recover from any local drive or from a network share.

      • If you recover from a local backup, the BMR wizard automatically detects and displays all volumes containing recovery points.
      • If you recover from a remote share, browse to the remote location where the recovery points are stored. If there are multiple machines containing recovery points, all machines are displayed.

        You may also need access information (User Name and Password) for the remote machine.

        Note: The network must be up and running to browse to remote recovery points. If necessary, you can check/refresh your network configuration information or you can load any missing drivers from the Utilities menu.

      • If the BMR module cannot detect any local destination volume, the Select a Folder dialog automatically displays. Provide the remote share where the backups are residing.
      • If you are restoring from an iSCSI destination, the BMR module may not detect this destination and you need to perform the following:

        1. Click Utilities, select Run from the pop-up menu, type cmd, and then click OK.

        2. In the command prompt window, use the following Windows iSCSI commands to set up iSCSI connections:

        > net start msiscsi

        > iSCSICLI QAddTargetPortal <TargetPortalAddress>

        > iSCSICLI QLoginTarget <TargetName > [CHAP username] [CHAP password]

        Note: CHAP = Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol

        For more information about Windows iSCSI command line options, see

        Note: Extra steps may be needed depending on the iSCSI target software being used. For more information, see the manual of the iSCSI target software.

        3. From the BMR screen the disks/volumes connected through the iSCSI disk should be displayed. The iSCSI disk can now be used as the source volume or the backup destination volume.

        Note: BMR does not support the case where the OS is installed on an iSCSI disk. Only data disks are supported.

    2. If you select Browse the Recovery Point Server, the Select Agent dialog displays. Provide the Recovery Point Server Host Name, User Name, Password, Port, and Protocol. Click Connect.

    Bare Metal Recovery - Select a folder dialog.

  6. Select the folder or Agent Name under Data Store where the recovery points for your backup are stored and click OK.

    The BMR wizard screen now displays the following information:

    Note: For supported operating systems, you can perform a BMR from a backup performed on a UEFI machine to a BIOS-compatible machine and from a BIOS machine to a UEFI-compatible machine. See Operating Systems that Support UEFI/BIOS Conversion for a complete listing of firmware conversion supported systems.

    Note: The Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Update 2 only supports BMR to a smaller disk when the sessions are backed up from Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Update 2. See the field Minimum Size Required for the destination disk size. BMR to a smaller disk is only supported in Advanced Mode.

  7. Select which recovery point to restore.

    The related information for the selected recovery point is displayed (in the lower right pane). This display includes such information as the type of backup that was performed (and saved), the backup destination, and the volumes that were backed up.

    If the recovery point contains encrypted sessions (the recovery point clock icon includes a lock), a password required screen appears. Enter the session password and click OK.

    Bare Metal Recovery - Encryption Password dialog.


    If you are restoring from a Arcserve UDP Recovery Point Server, you are asked to provide a session password.

    If your machine is a Domain Controller, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) supports a nonauthoritative restore of the active directory (AD) database file during BMR. (It does not support restoring MSCS clusters).

  8. Verify the recovery point that you want to restore and click Next.

    A BMR wizard screen is displayed with the available recovery mode options.

    Bare Metal Recovery - Specify a Recovery Mode dialog.

    The available options are Advanced Mode and Express Mode.

    Default: Express Mode.