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Restore a File/Folder Using Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View

For a file/folder restore, you can use the copy and paste function to restore backed up objects (files or folders) from the backup destination to your specific restore destination. (The drag-and-drop method is not supported for a file/folder restore from the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View).

Follow these steps:

  1. Access Windows Explorer and from the folders in the left pane, navigate to and select the backup destination.
  2. From the right pane, right-click on the backup destination.

    A pop-up menu is displayed listing the available options.

  3. Select the Change to Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View option.

    The Windows Explorer View changes to the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View. When you enter into that directory, all views are logic views from a Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) user perspective and displays the recovery points stored at that location.

    Note: When using the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View, if you attempt to browse to or locate a recovery point and all recovery points are not displayed, it may be because your backup destinations were split between your local machine and a remote share machine. For the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View to display all recovery points, the backup locations (for full and corresponding incremental backups) should all be at the same location (either local or remote). If this occurs, it is a limitation only when using the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View. To remedy this problem, you can use the Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) restore UI instead to properly display all recovery points, regardless of being at the same or different locations.

  4. Select the recovery point that you want to restore from and expand that directory until you can gain access to the file or folder that you want to restore.

    Note: From the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View, the Copy option is only available for file and folder level objects. You cannot use this option to copy volume or machine level objects.

  5. Right-click on the file or folder to be restored and select Copy. Navigate to the restore location, right-click on the location, and select Paste.

    Note: Manual operations (such as copy, cut, or paste) for the backup destination folder are not successful if a job is active or a user is browsing recovery points using the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View.

    Note: When restoring backed-up files (with long file names) from the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View using the copy-and-paste method, the job can fail without any corresponding error or warning. (Windows Explorer has a limitation on the maximum file path length, which can lead to a file copy failure). If this occurs, you can use the installed Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) UI to perform the restore.

  6. When the restore is successfully completed, right-click on the backup destination and select the Change to Windows Normal View option.

    The Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View changes back to the Windows Explorer View.

    Note: During the time that you are in the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View mode, the merge/purge process for retaining the maximum number of recovery points will be disabled. As a result, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will continue to save recovery points beyond the specified number of recovery points until you exit the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View and return to the Windows Normal View. When you exit the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point View, all retained recovery points beyond the specified number will then be merged/purged.