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Specify Updates Preferences

Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) lets you specify the following Updates preferences:

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) home page (or Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) Monitor), select Settings from the taskbar and then select the Preferences tab. When the Preferences dialog opens, select Updates.

    The Updates preferences dialog opens.

    Preference Settings - Updates Dialog

  2. Specify your Updates preference settings.
    Download Server

    Specifies the source server from where your Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) server will connect to and download available updates.

    D2D Proxy Settings

    Note: The format for user name should be a fully qualified domain user name in the form of "<domain name>\<user name>".

    Test Connection

    Lets you test the following connections and display a status message when completed:

    • If you selected "Arcserve Server" as the download server, tests the connection between the machine and the Arcserve server through the specified proxy server.
    • If you selected "Staging Server" as the download server, tests the connection between the machine and the specified staging server. The test connection button is used to test the availability of each listed staging server, and a corresponding status is displayed in the Connection Status field. If none of the configured staging servers are available, a red icon is displayed on the status Summary section home page to provide a visual alert of this condition.

      Note: The test connection is automatically performed when you launch the Preferences Updates dialog from the home page. When this auto test is performed it will check the latest connection status of the previously configured download server (either Arcserve Server or Staging Server(s), whichever is selected). If you previously configured more than one staging server, then this auto test will be performed on all staging servers to get the latest connection status.

    Update Schedule

    Specifies when to check for (and download) new Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) updates.

    • With this option selected, specifies to automatically check for new and available Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) updates. When you select this option, you then have drop-down menu capabilities to specify when to perform this function (every day or weekly on a specified day) and the time of the day that it will be performed.

      Note: The default setting for the day or hour that these checks will be automatically performed is randomly assigned by Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) at the time of installation. After installation, you can use this Update Schedule setting to change the day and time for these checks.

      By default, if this check determines that a new update is available, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will also automatically download the update.

    • With this option not selected, specifies to disable all automatic check and download functions (and its status is displayed under status Summary section of the home page). With this option not selected, these update functions can only be triggered manually.

      Note: If configured you will get an email notification if the scheduled check for updates discovers that a new update is available. In addition, email notifications will also be sent if a failure occurs during the check for updates or during the download.

      Note: If the Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) is managed by the Arcserve UDP Console, the Automatically check for updates option is disabled. Instead you can check updates from the Arcserve UDP Console and remote deploy updates to Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows).

  3. Click Save Settings.

    Your Updates preference settings are saved.