You can install Arcserve UDP silently. A silent installation eliminates the need for user interaction. The following steps describe how to install the application silently using the Windows Command Line.
Follow these steps:
Start the silent installation process using the following Command Line syntax:
"arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection.exe" -s -a -q -Products:<ProductList> -Path:<INSTALLDIR> -User:<UserName> -Password:<Password> -Https:<HTTPS> -ConsolePort:<Port Number> -AgentPort:<Port Number> -Driver:<DRIVER> -MonitorFlag:<MONITORFLAG> -StopUA:<STOPUA> -SummaryPath:<SUMMARYPATH> -AutoReboot:<AUTOREBOOT>
"arcserve_Unified_Data_Protection.exe" -s -a -q -Products:Agent -User:administrator -Password:test"
Important: If the parameters include any of the following special characters, enclose the parameters in quotes:
For example: If the password is abc^*123, the input should be -Password:"abc^*123".
Runs the executable file package in the silent mode.
Specifies additional command line options.
Installs the application in the silent mode.
(Optional) Specifies the components to install silently. If you do not specify a value for this argument, the silent installation process installs all components. You can specify the following components:
Agent: Installs the Data Protection Agent component.
RPS: Installs the Recovery Point Server component.
Console: Installs the Console component.
All: Installs all the components of Arcserve UDP.
For Install Data Protection Agent:
For Install Recovery Point Server:
For Install Data Protection Agent, Recovery Point Server and Data Protection Console:
For Install all the components in the build:
Specifies the user name that you want to use to install and run the application.
Note: The user name is of the administrator or an account with administrative privileges.
Specifies the password of the user name.
(Optional) Specifies the communication protocol. The options are 0 and 1. Use 0 for http and 1 for https.
Default: 0
(Optional) Specifies the target installation path of Data Protection Agent.
-Path:"C:\Program Files\CA\arcserve Unified Data Protection"
Note: If the value for INSTALLDIR contains a space, enclose the path with quotation marks. Additionally, the path cannot end with a backslash character.
(Optional) Specifies the communication port number for the Console.
Default: 8015
Note: Use this option when you want to install the Console.
(Optional) Specifies the communication port number to access Arcserve UDP Agent.
Default: 8014
Note: Use this option when you want to install the Arcserve UDP Agent.
(Optional) Specifies whether to install Arcserve UDP Agent change tracking driver. The options are 0 and 1.
0: Does not install the driver
1: Installs the driver
(Optional) Specifies the Arcserve UDP Agent monitor display to users. The options are 0 and 1.
0: Displays the agent monitor to all users.
1: Displays the agent monitor only to the current user.
Default: 0.
(Optional) Specifies to stop the CA ARCserve Universal Agent service.
0: Does not stop the CA ARCserve Universal Agent service if it is running during the installation process.
1: Stops the CA ARCserve Universal Agent service if it is running during the installation process.
Default: 0
Note: Use this option while upgrading to a new version. Verify that you set the value to 1 or stop the service before starting the upgrade process. This helps ensure that the installation does not fail.
(Optional) Specifies the target path to generate the summary file of the installation.
Note: If the value for SUMMARYPATH contains a space, enclose the path with quotation marks. Additionally, the path cannot end with a backslash character.
(Optional) Let Setup reboot the machine after installation if the installation requires a reboot. The options are 0 and 1.
0: Does not reboot the machine.
1: Reboots the machine if the installation requires a reboot.
Note: If the installation does not require a reboot, Setup will not reboot the machine even if this parameter is set to 1.
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