Valid for VMware VM
When I back up a VMware virtual machine, the backup job fails with either of the following error messages in the activity log:
The first error occurs because of the following reasons. You have selected the Microsoft VSS inside VM option but:
In this case, Arcserve UDP cannot deploy necessary tools to the virtual machine to use the new snapshot method.
To resolve this error, update the virtual machine with correct credentials. Verify that VMware Tools are updated and running in the virtual machine. After the verification, resubmit the backup job.
The second error may occur in the following scenario. You have used the Microsoft VSS inside VM option in the previous backup jobs. Now, you want to use the VMware Tools option but the credentials of the virtual machine have changed (for example, you have changed the password of the guest OS but you did not update the virtual machine node in Console), or VMware Tools is not running for some reason. In such cases, Arcserve UDP cannot undeploy the tools (which were deployed by the previous backup job) from the virtual machine to use the new snapshot method.
To resolve this error, perform one of the following steps:
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