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Specify the File Copy and Content to Restore

Use the Browse File Copies option to restore from a file copy. This restore method allows you to browse the file copied data and specify exactly which file you want to restore.

Follow these steps:

  1. Access the restore method selection dialog in one of the following ways:
  2. Click the Browse File Copies option.

    The Restore dialog opens. The destination that is currently showing in the Restore From field is the configured default File Copy destination.

    Browse File Copies dialog.

  3. If necessary, you can click Change to browse to an alternate location where your file copy images are stored.

    A dialog opens displaying the available alternate destination options.

    Restore - Browse Archive To Change Destination on a Local or Network Drive.

    Local or network drive

    The Select a Backup Location dialog opens, allowing you to browse to and select an alternate local or network drive location.


    The Cloud Configuration dialog opens, allowing you to access and select an alternate cloud location. For more information about this dialog, see Specify Cloud Configuration for Restore.

    Regardless of whether you selected to restore from Local or network drive or from Cloud, when you change the destination to an alternate location a pop-up dialog will appear, asking if you want to perform a new catalog synchronization or read from the existing catalog.

    File Copy Destination - Catalog Synchronization

    • If it is the first time you are performing a catalog synchronization, the Browse Existing button will be disabled because there is no existing file copy catalog locally.
    • If a catalog synchronization has been previously performed, this dialog will display details about the last time the catalog was synchronized from this destination. If there were more file copy jobs run since that displayed time, your catalog may not be currently synchronized and you can select the Sync option to ensure your file copy catalog is up-to-date.

      1. Click Sync to download the file copy catalog from the specified file copy destination to your local machine to provide faster browsing.

      2. Click Browse Existing to use the file copy catalog that is available locally and not download/sync it again.

  4. On the left pane, specify the file copy data to be restored. You can select file copied folders or files to be restored.

    When you select an individual file to be restored, all file copied versions of that file are displayed in the right pane. If multiple versions are available, you must select which file copied version you want to restore.

  5. After selecting the file copied folder or file version to restore, click Next.

    The Restore Options dialog opens.

The File Copy and Content to restore is specified.