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Applying Best Practices

Configure Multi-Stream Parameters

Replication over WAN related settings are saved at the following registry key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CA\ARCserve Unified Data Protection\Engine\Network]

The following list displays the Registry key and their default value:

The following description describes the registry key settings:


Specifies the switch to enable or disable multiple streaming. If the value is 0, multi-stream is disabled. For other values, multi-stream is enabled. The default value to enable multi-stream is 1.


Specifies the data chunk size for each packet. Packet size affects the throughput. If the WAN bandwidth is higher, the data chunk size can be increased higher.

The default value is 4k byte. The range is limited from 512 byte to 1M byte in code.


Specifies the number of streams that needs to be created on WAN, when the latency is more than the WAN_RTT_Threshhold number. The default stream number is 5. The stream range is from 1 to 10.


When RTT is greater than WAN_RTT_Threshold, multiple sockets are created. The unit of WAN_RTT_Threshold is millisecond (ms). The default value is 50 millisecond. The range is limited from 20 ms to 600 ms.


Specifies that the memory size will be allocated when the multi-stream is enabled. This memory buffer will be used to cached received fragged memory. The range is from 16MB to 64MB. Default value is 16MB. If the value is zero, the value will be set to 64MB. The unit of this value is BYTE.


Specifies that if the value is not zero, the communication library groups small files and send them in one chunk. If the value is zero, then small files are sent individually. The default value is one.
