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Discover Nodes

To add nodes that are in an active directory, you can first discover the nodes by providing the active directory details and then adding the nodes to the Console.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Add nodes by drop-down list, select Discovering Nodes from Active Directory.
  2. Specify the user credentials and click Add.

    Specifies the domain and user name in the domain\username format.


    Specifies the user password.

    Computer Name Filter

    Specifies the filter to discover node names.

    After validation, the user name is added to the list.

  3. Select the added user name and click Browse.

    A successful node discovery opens the Confirm dialog that prompts you to add the nodes from the Discovery result.

    Note: The discovery process may take a while depending upon the factors such as the network and number of computers in the network.

  4. Click Yes.

    The discovered nodes are listed.

  5. Select the node, enter the user name and password, and then click Apply.

    Note: When you click Apply, the credentials are verified. You must verify each node before you add to the list.

    The green check marks are displayed for the verified nodes.

  6. Click Add to List.

    The selected node is listed to the right pane.

  7. To add the nodes to the Console, from the right pane, select the node and click Save. To add all the nodes, select the Node Name check box.

    The verified nodes are added and available at the Nodes: All Nodes page.