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Issues Fixed

The following list identifies the fixes included in the current release of Arcserve UDP:


Fixes an issue where no email alerts were generated if any agentless backup was missed.


Fixes an issue where if different types of agentless backup jobs (Custom/Daily/Weekly/Monthly) are scheduled at the same time, then sometimes even the highest priority job does not run and makeup job also does not trigger.


Fixes an issue of multiple empty lines for one message in rps activity logs when using cmdutil /db /dump /rps to output.


Fixes an issue of enabling backup restore privilege for a mounted session.


Fixes an issue where a virtual standby job fails if the virtual machine is two layers deeper into a datacenter.


Fixes an issue where some temporary files are left inside the guest OS by the pre/post command.


Fixes an issue of failing to update an administrator account if the total length of the username and domain name is over 20 characters.


Fixes an issue where an Incremental backup is always converted to a Verify backup for some volumes when winobj.exe is used to check if these volumes have more than one volume GUIDs associated.


Fixes an issue where, in some cases, the UDP CBT service (used by agentless backup of Hyper-V VM) hangs the Hyper-V server.


Fixes an issue where Copy Recovery Point job fails with the error “The index xxxxxx exceed the bitmap” in copy recovery point job debug log.


Fixes an issue where if different types of agentless backup jobs (Custom/Daily/Weekly/Monthly) are scheduled at the same time, then sometimes even the highest priority job does not run and makeup job also does not trigger.


Fixes an issue when the destination hypervisor is selected as ESX(i) instead of vSphere, there are multiple tasks named "Find by UUID” generated in one minute interval during the running virtual standby job.


Fixes an issue where synchronization of Arcserve UDP Agent Data shows the error "The synchronization process was unable to synchronize the Host-Based VM Backup job data on Console node console-host", but the backup job is successful.


Fixes an issue where sometimes host-based backup will sync empty string to Console, which cause a parse exception.


Fixes an issue that when upgraded to a new release on an MSP site, the remote nodes that does not exist in the site requests for an upgrade.


Fixes an issue where the free disk space calculation and taking bootable snapshot fail because the mount point is included in the vhdx file path.


Fixes for optimizing the throughput of a Recover VM job while reading from a deduplication data store.


Fixes an issue that causes a standby VM to choose incorrect disk controller and fails to boot up.


Fixes an issue that on MSP side, Merge job and virtual standby job may conflict each other. Either virtual standby or Merge job may fail or both fail.


Fixes an issue where a previously failed virtual standby job causes the next virtual standby job delete the session data snapshot disk file on a Hyper-V platform.


Fixes an issue where an E-mail alert cannot be send from RPS server that requires an authentication. The following error is seen from the debug log: "[ERROR] EmailHelper.sendEmail - Send email failed javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful".


Fixes an issue where a lock error is printed when catalog is completed successfully.


Fixes an issue where the Linux agent backup data is not counted when only Agent nodes is selected in an MCP report.


Fixes a problem where as_gddmgr.exe (previously called ca_gddmgr.exe) ChecksumUDPSession does not support a recovery point that is more than 512GB.


Fixes an issue that when two concurrent virtual standby jobs with a shared VMware connection delete the snapshots respectively, the first virtual standby fail due to the task canceled by the second virtual standby job.


Fixed an issue where if a data store is in a remote NAS device, the data store cannot be started automatically after the RPS reboots.


Fixes a problem that one faces when performing BMR on the source machine causes the firmware error for a Generation 2 VM of Hyper-V server.


Fixes an issue that when importing a data store, the Console shows that the data store role folder is occupied by another data store, even when the folder is not occupied by another data store.


Fixes an issue that the SQL transaction log file size is not reduced or database does not shrink when databases are in full mode.


Fixes an issue where a backup crashes when running pre/post command. This crash is caused by ACL object that is getting released twice because the relevant pointer is not set to empty in the first release.


Fixes an issue where a user cannot send an email alert from an Exchange server with TLS encryption enabled and when using a self-signed certification.


Fixes an issue of file copy to Azure cloud where the file name or path exceeds more than 1024 characters after encoding.


Fixes an issue that per the msdn blog report on Azure Cloud, Microsoft is removing support for the old rest apis from December 2015.


Fixes an issue where the makeup job of an agentless backup job tries to run multiple time if the makeup job cannot succeed for any reason.


Adds a warning message before erase the partitions when one selects express mode during BMR.


Fixes an issue where if a backup was taken while Windows update is downloading or installing, then the server does not boot with various errors after BMR. Some of the files that were being downloaded or installed are missing from snapshot. This only happens to Windows Vista and later OS.


Fix a problem that replication job with the resumed non-deduplication increment recovery point fails due to checksum verification failure.


Fixes a problem that merge job on jumpstart/replication non-deduplication destination data store may fail due to an incomplete recovery point chain. The following error may be seen on activity logs: Data\disk2038682500\S0000000011 doesn't exist.

T00000097 and T00000098

Fixes an issue where if there is any recovery point mounted as a local volume in read/write mode, then while taking snapshot the shadow copy might be saved on the mounted volume. This may let the system enter a deadlock and freeze the system.


Fixes an issue where a File copy job sometimes fails with following error message "Failed to Replicate Volume for data file \\TS3400D9A8\UDPBackup\LJS-Server\VStore\S0000000050\Volume_C.FList Error 38"


The fix will improve the stability of the replication across WAN network environments.


Fixes an issue where restore Exchange database fails because Arcserve UDP is unable to query Exchange account under the sub domain.


Move deployment destination of the tools for Pre/Post command from the root of volume C:\ to C:\ARCserveVMPrePostCmd folder, to avoid some access problems with UAC enabled.


Fixes an issue that file copy to Amazon cloud for Ireland region fails with the following error in Amazon log file "Error CodeAuthorizationHeaderMalformedError Message :-The authorization header is malformed; the region 'external-3' is wrong; expecting 'eu-west-1' (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed; Request ID: 648DC2F86C4FAE30)"


Fixes a problem where the catalog failed because of unable to read data with zero file size, and the error code is 102 or 10102 in the log.


Fixes a problem that the agentless backup failed in a specific environment where one IP address can be resolved from the proxy server but cannot be connected.


Fixes a problem that Guest VSS snapshot gets deleted when using ’MS VSS inside VM' snapshot method for a VMware VM.


Fixes a problem that the Hyper-V agentless backup job crash for VMs with VHDs with an irregular disk size.


Fixes a problem where the catalog job could not be launched for a makeup job of an agentless VM backup.


Fixed two problems for VSB. If Virtual Standby job destination is Hyper-V server and the vhdx file path contains a mount point then:


Fixes a problem that merge job fails in cases where the path length of one metadata file generated by an agentless backup exceeds 259 characters.


Fixes a problem that merge job fails when RPS and Arcserve UDP agent are installed on the same machine and the Arcserve UDP backup destination path contains the host name at the same time.


Fixes a problem that the incremental backup job may crash for an invalid full bitmap file.


Fixes a problem where a data store cannot be started when it is in a remote iSCSI target.


The fix performs consolidation of VMDKs for a VMware VM to avoid the delta vmdk files when the VM is backed up.


Fixes a problem where the catalog crashes when the attribute list of any file has more than 100 fragments.


Fixes an issue in purge job. The fix purges 0 KB files from the file copy destination.


Fixes a problem that HotAdd transport mode cannot be used for VMware VM recovery (for example, when the proxy VM and target VM are in a same ESXi host).


Fixes a problem that Arcserve UDP backup failed to take quiescence snapshot which is usually caused by environment issues such as VMTools, VSS, Writers failures, or errors inside the guest OS. The fix enables to switch to crash consistent snapshot to avoid snapshot failure.


Fixes a problem that the Catalog job crashes when the cataloggenerator.exe process consumes more than 2 GB memory.


Fixes a problem where the RPS replication job hangs when there are duplicated session GUIDs on the source RPS server.


Fixes a problem that the deduplication hash role may crash if there is an incomplete metadata file. The reason for incomplete metadata file could be the lack of memory or remote disk access failure.


Fixes a problem where unable to perform SQL database level restore except dump file in a SQL cluster environment.


Fixes a problem where the catalog job is reported as failed even when the catalog process is still running. There is no email alert for this failed catalog job, and a makeup catalog job is scheduled.


Fixes a problem that file-level restore for a specific VM is unable to perform because volume information is not generated during the agentless backup.


Fixes a problem that when adding Linux node that has the same name as a Linux Backup Server in the Arcserve UDP Console, the Console displays the following message:

The network has a problem. Verify the node {0} is powered on and the Secure Shell (ssh) connection is good.

The other Linux Backup Server is unable to connect with the Linux node.


Fixes a problem that the replication in the throttled state exceeds the throttle configuration.


Fixes a problem that there are returns in exported activity log messages.


Fixes a problem that fail to modify plan with merge job schedule changed when there is any job running.


Fixes a problem that the Copy Recovery Point task cannot be performed when the destination is RPS. This is because the two schedules conflict with the same job name and job group.

Fixes a problem that the RPS email cannot be sent with an authentication option because the password does not get decrypted.

Fixes a problem that browse nodes from a data store option does not display the node with same the node uuid because Arcserve UDP uses uuid to identify the node.


Fixes a problem that the Hyper-V agentless backup fails because of exposing the VSS snapshot wait timeout.


Fixes a problem that sometimes the catalog job or replication job does not start after an agentless backup job.


Fixes a problem that the backup crashes when truncating SQL logs if some database has log shipping.


Fixes a problem that the replication job fail because the job failed to collect the file size of backup sessions from a NAS device on the source RPS server.


Fixes a problem that when the exchangeReader.dll.log bak file count exceeds 100, the new bak file overwrites the last bak file.


Fixes a problem that the Active Directory items cannot be browsed when there are more than one root object in the database.


Fixes a problem that the replication job hangs while reading data from the source data store. The following error message is displayed in the replication-out job debug log every 30 seconds:

Failed to request read slot in 30000 ms.


Provide the command line options to query and manage the backend purge and disk reclamation.


Fixes a problem that replication job may fail at rebuilding the disk index file for the second source disk if the merge job is paused at the first source disk.


Fixes two performance optimizations for the scenario that multiple jobs concurrently run on the same data store. The first fix is to decrease the disk flush for adding the session lock at the beginning of every job. The second fix is to allow to configure for removing the disk access sync lock across jobs on the same data store.


Fixes a problem that G2 VM boot settings are not restored in non-English Hyper-V hosts.


Fixes a problem that the agentless retry job loses the retention flag.


Fixes a problem that agentless backup job may be slow while performing the VM guest OS operations (previously known as VIX) when there are lots of ESX servers and VMs in the vCenter.


Fixes an issue where, after restoring a SUSE Linux VM, the guest OS boot-up and gets stuck. The OS keeps waiting for a non-existing hard disk device.


Fixes an issue that Catalog job fail because unable to read data. The logs display messages and the recovery point cannot be mounted to the drive letter.


Fixes a problem that unable to backup the dateV database because the relevant writer is excluded.


Fixes a problem of recovering logical volume during BMR when Express mode is used.


Fixes an issue where Hyper-V host became unresponsive if the CBT services were in the running state.


Fixes an issue about no volume information generated during the agentless backup process (either ESX or Hyper-V), as a result, users could not perform file level restore/catalog job with the backed up session.


Fixes a problem that incremental HBBU backup is performed as verify backup job for the following scenarios: