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Manage Scenario Group

Arcserve UDP lets you manage groups in a control service. You can add, rename, delete, flag, and post comments for a group.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select a managed control service from the left pane.

    All the groups in the control service are listed in the center pane.

  2. Click the Actions drop-down menu, and then click one of the following:
    Add Scenario Group

    Creates a group.

    Select a group to perform the following actions:

    Rename Scenario Group

    Renames the group.

    Remove Scenario Group

    Deletes the group. You cannot remove a group if you have scenarios within the group.

    Flag and Comment

    Flags the group in various colors and lets you add comments for the flag. Use flags to personalize and easily identify your group.

  3. Optionally, right-click a group in the left pane to add, delete, or rename a group from the selected control service.

The group is added or updated based upon your selection.