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Backup Job Fails


A backup job failed with the following error message in the activity logs:

Reconfiguration for backup cannot be performed in the current state. Shut down the virtual machine and attempt to run backup job again. (The virtual machine can be powered on during or after the taking snapshot phase).


Set the registry values to not reconfigure disk.enableUUID.

Follow these steps:

Applies at the proxy level and all the VMware VMs are impacted.

  1. Log in to the Backup proxy server.
  2. Open the registry editor and locate the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Engine\AFBackupDll
  3. Add a DWORD value with name DoNotReconfigDiskUUID and specify 1 as its value.

Applies at the specific VM level and only the specified VM is impacted.

  1. Log in to the Backup proxy server.
  2. Open the registry editor and locate the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Engine\AFBackupDll\<VM-InstanceUUID>

    Note: Replace <VM-InstanceUUID> with the UUID value of the virtual machine which this setting applies for. You can find the value in the URL of the virtual machine that is used when connected to the Arcserve UDP Agent.

  3. Add a DWORD value with name DoNotReconfigDiskUUID and specify 1 as its value.

Be aware of the following points:

For more information about this issue, see the VMware Knowledge Base article.