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Assign a Pre-defined Role

When a super administrator assigns a role to any user, only that user can log in to the Console. The Users button displays the complete users list, including domain users and local users.

You can assign the available (pre-defined) roles or self-defined roles to any local user or domain users.

Note: Only a Super-administrator (an administrator who installs Arcserve UDP) can assign the administrator role to other users. Administrators can assign only non-administrator roles to other users.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Users and Roles from the Configure pane.

    Users and Roles are displayed on the User Management page.

  2. Click Users from the User Management page.

    The list of users is displayed.

  3. Click Assign Role for a user.

    The Role List of User page opens.

  4. Select one or more roles and click Update.

    The role for user is successfully updated.

  5. Click Finish to go to the previous screen.

You have successfully assigned a role to user.