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Send Report by Email

Using Arcserve UDP, you can send individual reports to specific recipients. When you send a report by email, the content is the same as the printed content and all graphical charts are sent as embedded images.

Note: Before using the Send Report by Email option, configure the Email settings. For more information about how to configure, see Configure Email and Alert.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Arcserve UDP.
  2. Click reports on the Navigation bar, and select one of the reports.
  3. Click the local Filters/Actions section, available below the name of the selected report.
  4. From the expanded list, select the email icon to open the Send Report by Email dialog.

    Note: If the email configuration is not complete, a Warning dialog informs that the emails settings are not specified. For more information about how to configure, see Configure Email and Alert.

    Send Report by Email

  5. Complete the following fields:
  6. Click OK.

    The email is sent successfully.