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Configure the Registry to Rerun a Copy to Tape Job


The Copy to Tape job did not run for some media error and you want to rerun the job.


You can control the number of retry jobs and the time interval of retry jobs for the Copy to Tape task using the following two registry keys. Both the registry keys are in the machine where you have installed Arcserve Backup Server:


If one Copy to Tape job fails, Arcserve UDP retries the failed job. The retry number is configured using the NumberOfRetryCopyToTapeJob registry key. But if the to-copy node or recovery point information is changed in the job, Arcserve UDP resets the accumulated failed number as 0. It means once the to-copy node or recovery point information is changed in the job, the Copy to Tape job can be run without being limited by the retry number. Also, if Arcserve Backup web service is restarted, Arcserve UDP resets the accumulated failed number as 0.

The registry key is located in the Arcserve Backup Server at the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCServe Backup\WebServiceInfo\NumberOfRetryCopyToTapeJob

Type is DWORD.

Default: 1


Controls the time interval of retry for the failed Copy to Tape job. This registry key is used in association with NumberOfRetryCopyToTapeJob.

The registry key is located in the Arcserve Backup Server at the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCServe Backup\WebServiceInfo\TimeIntervalOfRetryCopyToTapeJob

Type is DWORD.

Default: 1 hour