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Backup destination settings disabled when opening the Linux agent UI

If the Linux Backup Server is not removed from the Arcserve UDP Console before uninstalling the Console, the backup destination settings will be disabled when opening the Backup Server UI.


The Backup Server is not notified that the Arcserve UDP Console is uninstalled. The Backup Server assumes that it is still managed by the Console.


Log in to the Backup Server and run the following command:

# /opt/Arcserve/d2dserver/bin/d2dreg --release

The Backup Server is released from the Console and now you can change the backup settings from the Backup Server UI.

If the problem persists, use Live Chat to contact Arcserve support. Live Chat lets you optimize intelligent conversation between you and the Technical Support team, allowing you to address your concerns and questions immediately, while still maintaining access to the product.

Job Status, Job History, and Activity Log are Not Visible


I cannot see the job status, job history, and activity log for Linux nodes in Arcserve UDP Console.


Linux Backup Server is unable to connect to Arcserve UDP using the hostname.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create the server_ip.ini file at the following location of Arcserve UDP:
    "UDP installation path"\Management\Configuration\server_ip.ini
  2. Enter the IP address of Arcserve UDP in this file.
  3. Log in to the Arcserve UDP Console and update Linux Backup Server and Linux nodes.

    Note: Linux Backup Server can be updated only from Linux Backup Server Groups, where all the Linux backup servers are listed.

    Update Linux Backup Server

The job status, job history, and activity log are visible.