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(Optional) Recover Data to the iSCSI Volume of the Target Machine

You can integrate the iSCSI volume to the target machine and make that volume a part of the target machine. Then you can restore data to the iSCSI volume of the target machine. By doing so, you can manage data and transfer data over a network.

Important! When you integrate the iSCSI volume with the target machine, you will lose all the existing data from the iSCSI volume.

Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) Live CD or mount the iso file of the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) Live CD into the CD-ROM drive of the target machine.
  2. Boot the target machine from the CD-ROM.

    The target machine boots into the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) Live CD environment. On the screen, the IP address of the target machine is displayed.

  3. Enter the shell environment of the target machine.
  4. Run the following command to start the iSCSI initiator daemon:
    /etc/init.d/iscsid start
  5. Run a discovery script to discover the iSCSI target host.
    iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <ISCSI-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS>:<Port_Number>

    The default port value of iSCSI target host is 3260.

  6. Make a note of the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) of the iSCSI target host found by the discovery script before you manually log into the discovered target.
  7. List the available block device of the target node.
    #fdisk -l
  8. Log in to the discovered target.
    iscsiadm -m node -T <iSCSI Target IQN name> -p <ISCSI-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS>:<Port_Number> -l

    You can see a block device in the /dev directory of the target node.

  9. Run the following command to obtain the new device name:
    #fdisk -l

    You can see an additional device named /dev/sd<x> on the target node.

The iSCSI volume is integrated with the target volume.