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Specify the Target Machine Details

Specify the target machine details so that data is restored to that machine. A target machine is a bare metal machine where you will perform a BMR. If you restore using the IP address, you need the IP address of the target machine that you previously recorded at the beginning of this process. If you restore using the Media Access Control (MAC) address, you need the MAC address of the target machine.

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the MAC address or the IP address of the target machine in the MAC/IP Address field.
  2. Enter a name in the Host Name field.

    The target machine will use this name as the host name after the restore process is complete.

  3. Select one of the following options as the network:

    Automatically configures the IP address. This is the default option. Use this option if you have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to restore with the DHCP network.

    Static IP

    Manually configures the IP address. If you select this option, then enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway of the target machine.

    Important! Ensure that the Static IP is not used by any other machines on the network during the restore process.

  4. (Optional) Select the Enable instant BMR option so that you can use the target machine instantly.

    When you enable this option, Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) first recovers all the necessary data that is required to start the machine. The remaining data are recovered after the target machine is started. The network connection must be constantly available during instant BMR.

    Example: If you have 100-GB data and you want to perform a BMR and you do not select this option, first all 100-GB data will be recovered and then you can use the target machine. However, only around 1-GB data is required to start the machine. When you enable this option, first the required 1-GB data is recovered so that you can start and use the machine. After the machine is started, the remaining 99-GB data is automatically recovered.

    Note: The necessary data that is required to start the machine depends on the operating system configuration. You can also pause or resume the auto recovery of data if the Do not recover data automatically after machine is started option is not selected.

  5. (Optional) Select the Do not recover data automatically when machine is started option to stop the automatic recovery of data when the target machine is started.

    When you select the Enable instant BMR option, the default behavior is to recover the necessary data first and start the machine. After the machine starts, the remaining data gets recovered automatically. If you update any source data during the recovery, then by selecting this option, the data will be recovered until the point before they are updated.

  6. Click Next.

    The Advanced page opens.

The target machine details are specified.