A backup destination is the location where the selected backup files are backed up to. After you have selected the objects you want to back up, you must select the destination and destination options for the backup job.
The ca_backup command includes the following destination arguments:
[-group <groupname>] [-tape <tape name>] [-mediapool <pool name>] [-multiplextape [<num of steams (1-32)>]-muxChunkSize <size in MB (1-16)>] [-multistream [<max streams (1-32)>] [-dddpurgedata [<full|diff|incr> <weeks> <days> <hours> <minutes>]]
Specifies media group to use for the backup job.
Specifies name of media to use for the backup job.
Specifies media pool to use for the backup job.
Note: If the target group is deduplication group or if the staging group is deduplication group, you cannot include the –mediapool switch.
Specifies to submit the backup job with the multiplexing option applied.
Multiplexing is a process in which data from multiple sources is written to the same media simultaneously. When a job that has multiple sources is submitted with the multiplexing option enabled, it is broken into child jobs with one child job for each source. These child jobs write data to the same media simultaneously.
When using multiplexing, you can select the maximum number of streams that can write a tape at the same time. The default number of streams is 4 and the supported range is between 1 and 32.
Specifies to set multiplexing chunk size. The chunk size value determines the amount of contiguous data written for one session before data from another session is multiplexed. The higher the value, the faster the restore on some drives, but at the cost of memory size during backup.
The default value is 1 MB and the supported range is between 1 and 16MB.
Specifies to submit the backup job with the multistreaming option applied.
Multistreaming allows you to use all the available tape devices on the system by splitting a single backup job into multiple jobs using all the tape devices. As a result, it will increase the overall backup throughput compared with the sequential method.
When using multistreaming, you can select the maximum number of streams that can write to a tape at the same time. The default number of streams is 4 and the supported range is between 1 and 32.
Specifies to add deduplication device purge policies for the specified backup method (Full, Differential, or Incremental) to a deduplication device used in a non-staging job.
Specifies how long (in number of weeks, days, hours, and minutes) to wait before purging the device.
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