When you select a volume object to be backed up, you can set volume level options and filters to be applied and display volume-related information.
The ca_backup command includes the following volume options:
[-volscan | -volcompare] [-volgroomdisable] [-volsessionpw <session password>] [-volencryption <encryption key>] [-volcompression] [-filter <volume filters>]
(for UNIX only) [-priority <priority level>]
Verifies the integrity of the file-system (volume) backup. Scans the backup media and checks the header of each file. If the header is readable, the data is assumed to be reliable.
Verifies the integrity of the file-system (volume) backup. Reads blocks of data from the backup media and compares the data byte for byte against the source files on the source machine.
Applies a session password to the session on tape containing the filesystem (volume) backed up.
To restore a session that was backed up using this option, you must use the ca_restore -tapesessionpw option to execute the restore job.
Encrypts files before the backup. To restore the encrypted files in this session, the password must be provided.
Compresses files before the backup, for this file system (volume) only.
Applies filters at the volume level (to a specific filesystem). The position of the -filter switch in the ca_backup command determines the filter level applied.
Assigns a backup priority to the Nodes/Volumes in a job. Priority level ranges from 1 (highest priority) to 255 (lowest priority).
Note: This option applies to UNIX and Linux only.
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