The ca_dbmgr display options allow you to view information about the jobs processed by Arcserve Backup, the media used, data backed up, session information, disk usage, and client information.
The ca_dbmgr command includes the following display options:
ca_dbmgr [-cahost <host>] -show
prune summary jobs | jobsessions <jobID>
[-completed] [-cancelled] [-failed] [-incomplete] [-last <no_of> days | weeks | months]
tapes | tapesessions <tapeID [:seqNo]> pools | poolmedia <poolName> scratchmedia | savemedia
Note: To properly display all Unicode characters in the output of a command, you must first set the environmental variable "ARCSERVE_UNICODE_DISPLAY_CMDL" to a value of 1 prior to running the command as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\cb>set ARCSERVE_UNICODE_DISPLAY_CMDL=1
To view these Unicode characters correctly, you will also we need to redirect the output of ca_log after setting the environmental variable as follows:
C:\>ca_log -view activity.log >UNICODE_log.txt
Displays pruning status and settings.
Displays database size and limits, and status of pruning and purging, space information and database information.
Displays status and other information for a specified job
Display information for all jobs of a particular type or all sessions contained in the specified job ID.
For example, enter [-completed] to view all completed jobs. You can also enter a time limit, for example: [-last 2 weeks].
If you enter the command without any parameters, information on all jobs in the database will be displayed.
Displays information about the specified tape or tapesessions.
Displays information about the specified pools or poolmedia.
Displays information about all medias current in the scratch set of a media pool. The information includes the tape name, serial number, tape ID, sequence number, format date, expiration date, and the media pool it belongs to.
Displays information about all medias current in the save set of a media pool. The information includes the tape name, serial number, tape ID, sequence number, format date, expiration date, and the media pool it belongs to.
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